Our friend Gere Kavanaugh is profiled in the July/August issue of Metropolis Magazine. It’s an entertaining and in-depth interview that explores her history and her multi-faceted, continually evolving career in design.

Gere and I share a passion for ceramics. This photo, in which Gere is wearing a coat of her own design, was taken on an expedition to see Ralph Bacerra’s mural at the Western Asset Plaza in Pasadena.

Gere was among the first female graduates at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, along with Ray Eames, Florence Knoll, and Ruth Adler Schnee. She is a renaissance woman who has applied her prodigious talents to graphic design, exhibition design, interiors, furniture, fabrics, and toys, just to get started.

Gere was awarded a 2016 AIGA Medal in recognition of her lifelong achievements and contributions to the field of design. AIGA has posted a brief biography and a charming video to its website.
And, look for Gere Kavanaugh, Designer (Metropolis Books) on bookshelves this Fall!
This issue of Metropolis honors their 35th year in print, and it is additional cause for celebration that the periodical, which has consistently reached across professional disciplines, has achieved this milestone. Gere’s interview is part of the “Perspectives” section, which also profiles Denise Scott Brown and Allegra Fuller Snyder. The issue also features stories on the top interiors of 2016 and an excellent article with Charles Waldheim on the origins – and future – of landscape urbanism. Don’t miss it!

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